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Testimonials & Pupil Profiles

Read our Pupil Profiles 


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What our Parents say... 

 ... about the College...

"Thanks again to your staff for their support. [My son] genuinely loves your school. We have already seen a positive change in his confidence."

Parent of a new starter in Year 7

"Primary is absolutely amazing! Great team, great support and lots of fun learning!"

Parent of Primary Pupil

"Seriously amazing school. 3 weeks in and we have seen a massive transformation in our 8 year old already."

Parent - Facebook

"The most amazing school with incredible staff. My son absolutely loves being there and is progressing so well let alone making life long friends. I cannot recommend it more highly."

Parent - Facebook

"I wish to thank everyone at Slindon for their support. [My son] would not have the future now ahead of him without you all."

Parent of School Leaver 


"We are ecstatic with [our son's] achievement. [...] We can ascribe his accomplishment to your excellent teaching over the years. Thank you for your support."

Parent of School Leaver 

"As a parent who lives so far away, no words are enough to express my gratitude for the care my child is receiving.  He is thriving immensely at Slindon College.

[...] all the staff at Slindon recognise that there are so many parts that make up an individual. The world would be such a better place if there were more colleges such as Slindon." 

Overseas Parent 

"This school has changed my son and our home life for the better. Happy child, happy parents, happy home."

Anon. - Parent Survey

"I just want to say thank you for all the College has done for us as a family. It is not just [our son's] life you have changed."


"I cannot recommend this school more highly. My son has been there for almost 2 years now, he's extremely happy, doing well and all the staff have full commitment to helping the boys, encouraging them to achieve their best and supporting them.

As a mother, I couldn't ask for more for my son."

Parent - Facebook

 "We would be utterly lost without Slindon College as a family and in providing a future for my nephew."

Anon. - Parent Survey

"Thanks so much for all you do for [him]. He loves speaking to you and we really appreciate all you do." 


"He has matured so much since being at Slindon and has learnt to deal with his triggers and really is just even more of a joy to be around."


"Fantastic College, fabulous caring staff, nurturing professionals, amazing setting, happy children - what more could a parent ask for!" 


"The College understands how to teach children in an imaginative and engaging way, therefore making lessons fun and informative.
Each child is an individual and the College recognises this and accommodates this."


"Well done Slindon College, you are doing our children proud. Great boys, great staff in a great setting, what more could a parent ask for" 

Hillary, UK

"Slindon has excelled my son's development and maturity in every way whilst offering a safe and nurturing environment for him to do this. The staff are always approachable, positive and on hand for a chat."


"The College 'completely gets' the boys and their needs. My son is progressing more than I thought possible." 


"Our son has grown into a confident student, having made friends and enjoyed school life to the full. Thanks to the work and dedication of his teachers and staff he is now ready for his next challenge. He has managed to build up enough resilience and independence to understand about the benefits of change. He understands the importance of getting the best marks possible at his exams so that he can keep his options open for the future." 

Brett & Patricia, Dubai

“A school that listens, which in this day and age is rare. Kind and helpful staff and a school that clearly looks out for the child's best interests.”

Ruth, UK 

"A wonderful school and amazing staff to go with it"


 Glynis, UK

"The school that listens - I have to agree with this wholeheartedly. A school that allows pupils to find what they are best at and then encourages them all the way to success, and also supports them where they need it."

 Debbie, UK

"In addition to finding the right fit for his academic needs, we knew the overall school atmosphere, ethos and pastoral care would be absolutely critical. Slindon stood out from the beginning as the place that could provide both the resources and the experience to meet his needs, and the warmth and personal commitment that makes for a well functioning and successful community. From the day he arrived, our son has thrived socially, emotionally and academically. While we fretted about his readiness for boarding, our son was busy making new friends and exploring his new environments."

Parent of Y7 pupil, Europe


What our Pupil's say...

 "I can't thank any of you enough [...]. I wouldn't be where I am now without the constant help, support and care from all of you. I'm off to start a new chapter [...] but I will never forget Slindon and how much you helped me."

School Leaver

"I love the school. The teachers are amazing, they help you and there are a lot of fun things you can do there!"

Year 11 Pupil

 "...I had never boarded before so it was all quite scary to me. It was also my first time away from home. The Boarding Team look after us very well and I know that if I need anything at all I can ask for it – I may not always get it but they are super kind people who always do their best for us. The teachers are very supportive and helpful and they never mind explaining things over and over again until we have all got it. The weekends are fun as there are always off-site trips arranged for us and in the evenings and after school there is loads to do, too. In the summer term the swimming pool is open pretty much all of the time which is amazing. There really is something for everyone and they do treat you and respect you as your own person. I am really happy here and would recommend it to anyone. Oh, and the food is brilliant ... very important!"

"...Boarding was new to me but I think I settled in so quickly because it’s a very small school. There is plenty of support in the classroom and all the staff are kind and helpful.
The enrichment activities are fun and the food is amazing!  I think coming to Slindon will give me better opportunities in the future – I have certainly become much more confident."

"...The teachers are all so helpful and there is plenty of 1:1 support available when I need it. The Boarding staff are helpful and kind and the boys are generally very supportive of each other. I'm not from the UK and I found the transition to a western diet a bit tricky at first but the food here is very good and I soon adapted. I really enjoy the weekend trips out..."

"...Slindon has been a great experience for me; new people and new surroundings. Thanks to very friendly staff and pupils I was able to adapt to my new environment quickly and happily. I found it so much easier to work in the small classes instead of large classes in mainstream schools. When I became a Year 11 pupil, I became a Prefect which gave me duties and responsibilities – that was good for me, too. I have many great memories..."

...Feeback about Remote Learning during Coronavirus...

"The work is incredible, what the teachers have researched and done is amazing. All the teachers are working so hard, they are exceptional and supportive. All the contact and constant support and kindness, [my son} has really enjoyed the lessons including his 1 to 1 sessions. It is wonderful. "

Parent of Year 8 pupil - February 2021

"Thank you so much for the amazing [online] PE lesson [my son] just had. I have never seen him so enthusiastic about PE. He cannot wait for next week!!"

Parent of Year 10 Pupil - January 2021

"We think you and the staff are dealing with the Covid situation really well, navigating through constantly changing legislation.  We really appreciate all the extra work you have to do every day now to ensure the school is a safe environment for the boys, and for all the communication keeping us up to date."

Parent of Year 7 Pupil - October 2020

"I was listening in today to your [remote learning] and was very impressed with [my son's] engagement!"

Parent of Year 8 Pupil - May 2020

"I just want to say a big thank you [to] all the staff for helping us through a really difficult time and for constantly communicating and advising [...] it is really appreciated."

Parent of Year 7 Pupil - May 2020

"Thank you for your excellent online teaching, [our son] can manage it. So glad to see him [putting in] effort to complete tasks."

Overseas Pupil Parent - April 2020

"Thanks so much for this, it is all really useful! [...] Thank you for keeping in touch and for all the great resources."

Parent of Year 11 Pupil - April 2020

An Independent Day and Boarding School in West Sussex.

You can meet the staff of Slindon College to find out more about how we can support your son. 

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Parent of Leaver - August 2020

"I wish to thank everyone at Slindon for their support. [My son] would not have the future now ahead of him without you all."