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Sixth Form

An independent day and boarding Sixth Form in West Sussex

Slindon College is an independent day and boarding school located amongst the beautiful West Sussex countryside in the South Downs National Park with sweeping views of the South Coast.  The College is a unique independent school giving extra support for boys aged 8-18 with additional learning needs. 

At Slindon College every pupil is considered an individual with their own unique strengths. We believe in developing independent learning and encouraging every pupil to achieve and develop a personal love of school whilst helping to achieve their potential.

Our Sixth Form differs from others in its provision of a full-time, bespoke timetable. As class sizes are small (usually no more than four) we have a large amount of flexibility in organising an individual programme of study for our Post-16 pupils. We offer a tailor-made curriculum helping our pupils transition to the next phase of their personal and academic development, encouraging them to complete any outstanding qualifications they may require for their future.

Moving on to meet the academic and personal requirement of Sixth Form can be a worry for many young people who can find the change quite challenging. At Slindon College we offer a full support package; including a committed Head of Sixth Form, specialist A-Level teachers, dedicated personal space and the knowledge and skills of our Learning Support department. With some pupils, we offer a ‘back to basics’ approach to their education and learning experience, ensuring every pupil leaves with their fundamental needs met, new skill sets in place and an opportunity to build character and improve overall confidence.

Each year the Government publishes league tables for all Sixth Form providers in England and Wales based on their 'value-added.' Out of over 4000 providers for 2016/17 Slindon College Sixth Form was rated best in the country and for 2017/18 fourth in the country. Whilst Slindon College is not a league table school, these results indicate the excellent progress pupils make in our Sixth Form.

Specific Learning Difficulties Slindon College supports

Slindon College supports a wide range of Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) including:

  • Literacy difficulties such as Dyslexia 
  • Numeracy difficulties such as Dyscalculia
  • Speech, Language and Communication Difficulties
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) 
  • Dyspraxia

Pupils may be screened on entry to assess their specific difficulties and, where required, enter a Learning Support or Therapy programme of interventions. 

More information about Learning Support at Slindon College.

Our Sixth Form boarding school in West Sussex

Sixth Formers from the UK and overseas can board at Slindon College. The College offers three boarding options Termly, Weekly, Flexi.  

Those who board at Slindon College share an environment which we work hard to make as homely and enjoyable as possible. With a family orientated atmosphere, our school offers all boys a safe, respectful and structured lifestyle.  Boarders enjoy a supportive and nurturing environment in which they can flourish both personally and academically.

More information about Boarding at Slindon College.

Entry Requirements

Slindon College is an inclusive, non-elitist college that is academically non-selective meaning our admissions process does not involve entrance examinations.  Entry to Slindon College is usually the beginning of the Autumn term in September, the Spring term in January or the Summer term in April. In certain circumstance we do accept applications at other times during the academic year. Priority is given to Slindon College pupils completing Year 11, after which remaining places are opened up to external candidates.


Our links with local universities and further education colleges allow our pupils to make the transition out of Slindon a far more positive experience. At Slindon we expect our Sixth Formers to experience work placements, to try out potential careers and to accept the guidance we offer in directing them toward an agreed outcome. Parent/College communication links are vital in a unified plan for each pupil’s future. We recognise the need to prepare pupils for their next steps after the College.

Academic Overview 

The following courses can be studied over a 1 or 2 year duration:

  • English (Functional Skills Level 1, Level 2, Entry Level 1, 2 or 3, GCSE, Level 3 Awards, AS equivalent)
  • Maths (Functional Skills Level 1, Level 2, Entry Level 1, 2 or 3, GCSE, Level 3 Awards, AS equivalent)
  • Science (Level 1 & 2)
  • Animal Management (Entry Level, Level 1 & 2)
  • Art & Design (GCSE, AS & A Level)
  • Drama (LAMDA Bronze, Silver and Gold)
  • Design Technology (GCSE & A Level)
  • Engineering (BTEC Level 1 & 2)
  • Garden Design (Gateway Level 2)
  • Graphic Communication (GCSE & A Level)
  • Hospitality and Catering (BTEC Level 1 & 2)
  • Motor Mechanics (SEG Level 1 & 2)
  • Photography (GCSE & A Level)
  • Sports Leadership (BTEC Level 1 & 2)
  • Three-dimensional Design (GCSE)
  • Life Skills (AQA Awards/BTEC)

Pupils also study the following non-exam subject:

  • Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education 
  • Social Communications

Life Skills
The Life Skills sessions are delivered as a part programme of optional Sports Leadership, compulsory Health and Fitness and Social Enterprise aiming to develop pupils leadership, health and fitness and work experience. The Sports Leadership allows pupils to develop the skills required to assist a coach or instructor in delivering a range of traditional sporting activities, leading to the overall award of a Sports Leaders L1/2 Qualification. Pupils will initially practice and deliver principles of coaching, coaching methods and leadership skills through practical lessons. As pupils develop and become competent in their practice they will deliver coaching sessions to both Slindon College Primary and Slindon C of E Primary School pupils. Health and Fitness is divided into Physical Activity and Adventurous Activities allowing pupils the opportunity to engage in a range of activities including; mountain biking, water sports and climbing for example. Social Enterprise focusses on the ‘Slindon College Bike Hub’, a pupil led enterprise providing valuable work experience, qualifications and leadership opportunities onsite. The College centred ‘Work Based Learning’ job roles include marketing (SBH – Artwork), website and social media design, administration and customer service, money handling, business administration and bookkeeping, mountain bike and track maintenance and mountain bike leadership. All pupils are assigned/interviewed for a specific job role from the above list. Progress is reviewed at the half-term point. Pupils will liaise directly with the general public and provide genuine social interaction and customer service opportunities.

Employability Skills
At Slindon College we aim to promote and instil independent living skills and to provide a bridge between education and employment. Every pupil will complete a differentiated
qualification in a Gateway accredited Employability Skills Course, with focus on three main units, Customer Service Skills, Health and Safety in the Workplace and Time Management. Pupils will learn the importance of team work, communication skills and personal development. They will also have the opportunity to take part in the ‘Try a Train’ experience, which provides an ideal opportunity for those who lack confidence travelling by train to visit our stations and to experience a train journey. The trips are delivered jointly by Sussex Community Rail Partnership and GTR. There will also be opportunity for them to make links with local Colleges and Universities in preparation for their departure from their time at Slindon.

The Sixth Form Day

The day runs from 8.30am-16.30pm Monday to Wednesday and 8.30am-15.30pm Thursday and Friday. 



8:30 House Period: Registration in Houses
8:40 Literacy or Numeracy Time/Friday Church or School Assembly
9:10 Lesson 1
10:00 Lesson 2
10:50 Break Time
11:10 Lesson 3
12:00 Lesson 4 
12:50 Lunch Time
13:30 House Period

Lesson 5

14:40 Lesson 6
15:30 End of Day (Thurs & Fri only)
15:35 Enrichment Activities
16:30 End of Day (Mon/Tues/Wed)

Dedicated Sixth Form Room
The Sixth Form room offers pupils the opportunity to work and socialise. There is space for study on hot desks with computers linked to the school network. Every Sixth Former is allocated a locker space for books and personal equipment.  It is the pupils’ responsibility to ensure the room remains tidy. The Sixth Form Tutor is based in the Sixth Form room. 

House Period

All pupils are registered in the morning and lunchtime House Period. Our vertical House system means that pupils can mix with peers of other ages for a short period in the morning and after lunch. These are also the houses in which competitions, charitable activities and our House Point System stem from. 

Find out more about the House System, Head Boy & Prefects.

Literacy or Numeracy Time 

Secondary pupils take part in Literacy or Numeracy every morning, and on a rotating daily basis for the older boys. Staff are on hand to boost the confidence of our pupils in these areas. In the afternoon, the same care is given to our Drop Everything and Read sessions. Pupils are assessed in these areas by the relevant teachers and feedback is given. These sessions take place in House Time unless additional support is arranged with the SENCo.

Friday Church/Friday School Assembly

All pupils have a whole school 25 minute assembly in the main hall at the College or in the Church at nearby St Mary’s, Slindon each Friday on a rotating basis. Assemblies are led by the Headmaster, Heads of House, our local vicar or with an outside speaker. 

Break Times 

Break times can be spent in the Sixth Form area, on the playing field or the Multi Use Games Area. Water with fruit, homemade biscuits, cheese straws and more are available on rotation. Pupils can eat and drink at their desk during break and lunch.

Food to Fuel Your Son

All meals are cooked on site by our catering team and are taken in the Dining Room. Our meat and vegetables are all purchased through local, well-regarded suppliers. Pupils are offered a choice of two delicious main courses (one of which is a vegetarian selection), jacket potatoes, plain pasta with sauce for those with sensory needs or salad from our salad bar. Pupils can add homemade soup, smaller salad bowls, puddings, yoghurts and fruits. 

To view the menu for the next 1-2 weeks click the utensils icon on the right of the screen.

Staff sit with the pupils at meal times and this encourages opportunities for informal conversation and an improved chance of better table manners. We find this is a golden opportunity for staff/pupil engagement and the development of stronger collegiate approaches, often the biggest problems can be solved around the dining table.

Special dietary requirements for allergies or religious reasons can be met provided we are advised in advance. Please note our Allergen Information: All our food is prepared in a kitchen where nuts, gluten and other allergens are present and our menu descriptions do not include all ingredients. Full allergen information is available on request.

Enrichment Activities/End of the School Day

A range of after-school enrichment activities complement the daily curriculum and the pupils can choose if they wish to attend these: 

  • Monday: Personal Development Activities, including SaLT & Mindfulness (in Houses)
  • Tuesday: Subject Specific Activities: including Swimming, Art & Drama (own choice)
  • Wednesday: House Activities

Enrichment activities run from 15:30pm until 16.30pm and are perfect for growth and development since they allow Primary and Secondary pupils to mix in a fun and shared learning environment. The Primary pupils are encouraged to join in as much as possible with enrichment activities.

More information about Enrichment Activities.

Further Information


Running through the heart of Slindon College is its vertically tiered House system. This system aims to facilitate associations and bonds between the different year groups. By fostering a sense of pride, encouraging team building, community spirit and peer mentoring, it promotes involvement in competitions, and develops social skills not just with fellow peers but with pupils of different ages. All pupils are allocated to a House and are encouraged to join in with as many House activities as possible. The colour of the pupils tie correlates to the House they are in: Cowdray (Yellow), Norfolk (White), Richmond (Red) and Sussex (Blue).

More information about the House System.

Cross-Curricular Theme Days

Whole school cross-curricular theme days are held termly. Pupils will join their House to learn collaboratively with different year groups across multiple subjects offering a different way of learning which can deepen understanding and foster critical thinking. The day usually culminates in a project or performance where they can apply their learning.  Such days prepare pupils to learn and work together which is more reflective of real life, a training opportunity for future interactions.

School Trips

The Academic staff lead external school trips to enhance and support subject learning expanding the understanding of the pupils and linking their learning to real life experiences.

Parents' Tea

We believe in nurturing strong and lasting relations with parents to create communications which help your child make the most of their time with us and develop as they learn. Parents’ Tea every Friday at 3:30pm in the dining hall provides an opportunity for all parents and carers to have an informal chat and a cup of tea with teaching staff and the Senior Leadership Team.  We value the contribution parents make to the life of the College and welcome your questions, ideas and comments. 

Parents' Evenings and Reports

Parents can liaise with staff informally at Parents' Tea on Fridays. For more formal feedback parents are invited to parents' evenings to discuss their son's work and performance. 

Comprehensive reports are produced at the end of every term and are published on the Parent Portal.

Contact Slindon College

Sitting in the beautiful county of West Sussex, Slindon is a peaceful village, located just four miles west of Arundel and six miles north-east of Chichester. 

Attend an Open Morning.

Register a General Enquiry.