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Parents Living or Working Outside the UK

The College requires parents living or working abroad to appoint a guardian, resident in the UK who we can contact in an emergency, who will act on behalf of the parent, and who will look after the pupil during half-terms and other times when the College is closed. This must be arranged prior to arrival at the College and contact details of the guardian must be given to the Admissions Officer.

All boys resident outside the UK must be in possession of a valid passport and, where appropriate an entry/student visa. Passports and any other important documentation must be handed in to the Houseparents for safe keeping.

Finding a Guardian for your Son

It is important to us that this works well. We can provide a list of guardianship agencies for overseas pupils, with  'bright world' as our preferred choice. Bright World holds full AEGIS (Association for the Education and Guardianship of International Students) accreditation to GOLD standard.

More information for Agents.

More information about The Admissions Process.

More information about Boarding.

Attend an Open Morning.

Register a General Enquiry.