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Specialised School with SEAL near Arundel, West Sussex.


Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) is a whole College approach that promotes social and emotional skills as well as the well being of our pupils. We strive to bring the five main attributes of SEAL in to all aspects of College life:

  • Self-awareness
  • Self-regulation (managing feelings)
  • Motivation
  • Empathy
  • Social skills

In addition to this, some pupils receive 1:1 sessions with a specialist teacher or intervention LSA. Intervention plans are comprehensive and structured based on information collated from the individual pupils Educational Psychologist report, Educational Healthcare Plan or other outside agency report and diagnostic assessment. 

Our SEAL specialists work closely with the SENCo to plan 1:1 sessions which give pupils a basic understanding of emotions; how these might affect them, and the impact that these feelings might have on others. SEAL sessions also create a safe space for pupils to spend time with an adult to discuss worries they may be having which could be affecting their school day and learning capabilities.

1:1 SEAL intervention is chargeable as an Additional Therapy.

More information about Fees

To discuss this intervention further please contact the SENCo

More information about Additional Financial Guidance.

Contact Slindon College

Sitting in the beautiful county of West Sussex, Slindon is a peaceful village, located just four miles west of Arundel and six miles north-east of Chichester. 

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