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Slindon College Prep, situated in West Sussex, is dedicated to delivering a specialised and highly individualised education for pupils in Years 4 to 8. 

Our approach revolves around multi-sensory lessons tailored to individual needs, ensuring personalised learning and support through limited class sizes. The school's ethos places a strong emphasis on care, nurturing, and support, recognising and fostering the unique strengths of each student to promote independent learning.

The Prep school operates on a primary model, with a dedicated team of teaching staff handling most subjects. Concurrently, specialists in the Secondary School guide Art, Design Technology, Music, and Drama. Our core mission is to cultivate confidence and security in our pupils, prioritising skill development across the curriculum, notably focusing on enhancing proficiency in Literacy and Numeracy. We actively foster a culture of class participation, positive collaboration, and the formation of enduring friendships. Our ultimate goal is for pupils to not only enjoy their school experience but also be well-prepared for the transition to Secondary School, developing a lasting love for education.

At Slindon College Prep, pupils in Years 7 and 8 benefit from a flexible learning approach designed to support those with social anxiety or those requiring additional assistance with key skills in literacy and maths. This flexibility allows for a smooth transition to the main secondary classes when pupils, teaching staff and parents feel they are ready. We understand the importance of providing a supportive environment tailored to individual needs, ensuring that every pupil can progress at their own pace.

At Slindon College, we firmly believe in prioritising the happiness and wellbeing of our pupils. The Prep school creates a nurturing environment that focusses on developing children’s social and emotional resilience as well as providing additional time to secure core skills in Literacy and Numeracy.”

Miss L. Bicker, Head of Prep

Our Prep pupils have full access to the comprehensive facilities of the Secondary school. This includes a swimming pool, Forest School, and dedicated classrooms for Science, Music, Cookery, and DT, all within the enriching learning environment of the South Downs National Park countryside.

As evidenced by our excellent rating in the recent ISI Inspection, Slindon College Prep stands as a pathway for pupils' personal development to excel. The school's commitment to adapting to individual needs, promoting a flexible learning environment for Years 7 and 8, and providing access to extensive facilities underscores our dedication to fostering a holistic and enriching educational experience.

Specific Learning Difficulties Slindon College Supports

Slindon College supports a wide range of Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) including:

  • Literacy difficulties such as Dyslexia 
  • Numeracy difficulties such as Dyscalculia
  • Speech, Language and Communication Difficulties
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) 
  • Dyspraxia

Pupils may be screened on entry to assess their specific difficulties and, where required, enter a Learning Support or Therapy programme of interventions. 

More information about Learning Support at Slindon College.

"Seriously amazing school.

3 weeks in and we have seen a massive transformation in our 8 year old already."

Parent - Facebook, Sept 2023.

Academic Overview 

In our Prep School the academic curriculum is geared to Key Stage 2.  As each pupil is seen as an individual, the curriculum is not set in stone but is planned around the needs and potential of each individual.

Programmes of Study
  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Science
  • History
  • Geography
  • Religious Education
  • Art
  • Modern Foreign Languages
  • PE and Games
  • Design Technology/Cookery
  • Information Technology
  • Forest School
  • Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
  • Drama
  • Music
  • Life Skills

The School Day 

The school day runs from 08.30 / 09.10am - 15.30 / 16.30 and is planned to suit the individual needs of each pupil. Lessons are divided into smaller units of work, using multisensory stimuli to improve the communication of ideas, visuals are used through-out and there are frequent exercise and sensory breaks. We base work around individual interests where possible and strive  to encourage independence within each lesson.

8:30 / 9.10 House time (Year 7 and 8)

9:10  Lesson 1 (Year 4, 5 and 6 pupils arrive at school)

10:00 Lesson 2

10:50  Break

11:10 Lesson 3

12:00  Lesson 4

12:30  Lunch

13:30 DEAR time

13:50 Lesson 5

14:40  Lesson 6

15:30 Home Time: Monday to Friday (Year 4, 5 and 6)

15.30 Home Time: Thursday and Friday (Year 7 and 8) 

16.30 Home Time: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (Year 7 and 8) Personal Development – Monday, Enrichment - Tuesday and Wednesday,

Further Information 


The College operates a vertically tiered House system. This system aims to facilitate associations and bonds between the different year groups. By fostering a sense of pride, encouraging team building, community spirit and peer mentoring, it promotes involvement in competitions, and develops social skills not just with fellow peers but with pupils of different ages. Primary aged pupils from Prep attend daily  Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) with their allocated House and are encouraged to join in with as many House activities as possible. The colour of the pupils tie correlates to the House they are in: Cowdray (Yellow), Norfolk (White), Richmond (Red) and Sussex (Blue).

More information about the House System.

Cross-Curricular Theme Days

Whole school cross-curricular theme days are held termly. Prep pupils will join their House to learn collaboratively with different year groups across multiple subjects offering a different way of learning which can deepen understanding and foster critical thinking. The day usually culminates in a project or performance where they can apply their learning.  Such days prepare pupils to learn and work together which is more reflective of real life, a training opportunity for future interactions.

School Trips

The Prep staff lead at least one external school trip per term, expanding the understanding of the pupils and linking their learning to real life experiences.

Parents' Tea

We believe in nurturing strong and lasting relations with parents to create communications which help your child make the most of their time with us and develop as they learn. Parents’ Tea every Friday at 3:30pm in the dining hall provides an opportunity for all parents and carers to have an informal chat and a cup of tea with teaching staff and the Senior Leadership Team.  We value the contribution parents make to the life of the College and welcome your questions, ideas and comments. 


Comprehensive reports are produced at the end of each term for Prep pupils and are available on the Parent Portal.


Transition into the secondary phase of education will generally occur in Year 7 and the Prep pupils will be invited to attend a transition day to experience the wider College within the summer term preceding this.  Slindon College offers the option of continuing in Prep up to and including Year 8 for those pupils who may require more time before they start their journey into secondary education. Lessening the movement and introduction of new teachers and approaches results in reduced anxiety levels.   

"We wanted to say a huge thank you for introducing the year 7 group this year. It is such a good idea.  This has worked really well for [my son] and his integration into the main secondary school has been very positive."

Parent, email to Slindon College Sept 2023.

Food to Fuel Your Son

All meals are cooked on site by our catering team and are taken in the Dining Room. Our meat and vegetables are all purchased through local, well-regarded suppliers. Pupils are offered a choice of two delicious main courses (one of which is a vegetarian selection), jacket potatoes, plain pasta with sauce for those with sensory needs or salad from our salad bar. Pupils can add homemade soup, smaller salad bowls, puddings, yoghurts and fruits. 

To view the menu for the current week, click the utensils icon on the right of the screen.

Staff sit with the pupils at meal times and this encourages opportunities for informal conversation and an improved chance of better table manners. We find this is a golden opportunity for staff/pupil engagement and the development of stronger collegiate approaches, often the biggest problems can be solved around the dining table.

Special dietary requirements for allergies or religious reasons can be met provided we are advised in advance. Please note our Allergen Information: All our food is prepared in a kitchen where nuts, gluten and other allergens are present and our menu descriptions do not include all ingredients. Full allergen information is available on request.

Enrichment Activities/End of the School Day (Prep: Year 7 and 8)

A range of after-school enrichment activities complement the daily curriculum and the prep pupils can choose if they wish to attend these: 

  • Monday: Personal Development Activities, including SaLT & Mindfulness (in Houses)
  • Tuesday and Wednesday: Subject Specific Activities: including Swimming, Art & Drama (own choice)

Enrichment activities run from 15:30pm until 16.30pm and are perfect for growth and development since they allow Prep (Year 7 and 8) and Secondary pupils to mix in a fun and shared learning environment. The Prep pupils are encouraged to join in as much as possible with enrichment activities.

More information about Enrichment Activities.


Prep pupils come together with the rest of the school for assemblies and celebrations.  

Contact Slindon College

Sitting in the beautiful county of West Sussex, Slindon is a peaceful village, located just four miles west of Arundel and six miles north-east of Chichester.  

Attend an Open Morning.

Register a General Enquiry.