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The Admissions Process

We understand that finding the right school for your child is a big decision. The admissions process is a key part of this. We aim to make the experience of applying for a place at Slindon College as straightforward and gentle on the prospective pupil as possible, ensuring that you are confident with your choice and that your child is comfortable and excited about beginning their new adventure with us.

An Independent Boarding School in West Sussex

Slindon College is an inclusive, non-elitist college that is academically non-selective meaning our admissions process does not involve entrance examinations. 

Slindon College accepts pupils from Year 4 upwards. 

Entry to Slindon College is usually the beginning of the Autumn term in September, the Spring term in January or the Summer term in April. In certain circumstances, we do accept applications at other times during the academic year.

Our Admissions Team consists of our Admissions Officer, SENCo and Headteacher. The admissions process is governed by our Admissions Policy.

Provide Information

In the first instance, for the admissions team to be able to assess suitability, parents who are considering Slindon College should submit a General Enquiry providing copies, in order of priority, of their EHCP, draft EHCP, educational assessment report i.e. Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Education Psychologist reports and school reports/references.  Any pertinent information affecting the application should be disclosed at this time. The admissions team are unable to consider an enquiry without the submission of supporting paperwork and the enquiry will not progress without such. If there are any concerns or reservations, then we will raise these early on in the admission process. It can take between two-four weeks for the information to be assessed due to the large volume of enquiries. During holiday time, due to term time only working, the process may take longer.


If, following assessment, it is felt Slindon College may be able to meet the prospective pupil’s needs, an invitation for the family to visit the College for a one to one tour and a meeting with the Headteacher will be extended. It is important for your child to attend this visit as it is an initial opportunity for us to meet your child.  

Attend Taster Trial

If the visit is successful and it is considered Slindon College may be the right environment and funding for the placement is available, then the prospective pupil will be invited to participate in a taster trial.  The length of the taster trial will be determined on a case by case basis.  During the taster trial the prospective pupil will join other pupils in their current year group and participate in lessons and activities. They will have an assigned buddy for the trial who will look after them during break and lunchtimes.

"I had such a good time during my trial at Slindon. At first I was nervous but the pupil who was my 'buddy' was really friendly and helpful. I actually didn't want to leave at the end of the end of the five days!"

Prospective Pupil - November 2020

For prospective boarding pupils from overseas or long travel distances an online meeting with the Headteacher will be scheduled initially followed by an invitation to a boarding taster trial.  The length of the boarding taster trial will be determined on a case by case basis but usually runs for between three-five nights preferably to include a weekend day and night. During the boarding taster trial the prospective pupil will join other pupils in their current year group and participate in lessons and activities. They will have an assigned buddy for the trial who will look after them during their stay.  There is no charge for a boarding taster trial.

Offer of Place

A feedback meeting will be scheduled for the last day of the taster trial to discuss the outcome of the trial. Sadly, not all trials will be successful, and we ask that you manage your child's expectations accordingly.  Should the trial be successful a formal offer letter will be issued at the feedback meeting. 

Accept Offer

To accept the offer we require completion of the Registration Form, Parent Contract Acceptance Form and other permissions and payment of a non-returnable Registration Fee of £200 (not applicable to local authority funded placements). The place will be secured only on receipt of the completed documentation and the Registration Fee. 

A Deposit is held by the College against Supplementary Charges incurred during a term and invoiced in arrears.  The Deposit is applicable to all pupils regardless of funding circumstances. The Deposit is added to the initial fee invoice. The Deposit will be refunded after the final term fee invoice, usually in August and less any outstanding sums.

More information about Fees.

More information about Supplementary Charges.       

More information about Bursaries and Scholarships.

More information about Additional Financial Guidance.

Attend an Open Morning.

Register a General Enquiry.