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Slindon College welcomes the opportunity to work with Education Agents both in the UK and overseas. All prospective agents are required to provide two satisfactory references from other boarding schools or colleges that they have worked with in the UK. Following completion of the reference process, the College will issue an Agency Agreement.

For further details, please contact our Admissions Officer.

English Education System Overview

Compulsory education in the UK starts at 5 years of age and finishes at 18. At the age of 16, pupils in England take GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) examinations. From 16 to 18, pupils can take a two year A Level (Advanced Level) course, which provides qualifications for university application. Mathematics and English are both compulsory GCSE qualifications for entrance to university. 

Typical academic year at Slindon College:

Term 1: Early September – mid December

Term 2: Early January – late March/early April

Term 3: Late April – early July

More information on Term Dates

English Levels Required for Entry

There are no entry requirements with regard to the level of English. Each boy is individually assessed during the application process. We recommend that pupils have a basic understanding of English to be able to communicate their needs and that they are able to understand basic instruction to ensure their happiness and wellbeing. Pupils that require additional language help will have dedicated lessons with our EAL Teacher. Others with good English join our small, individualised classes. The College supports a fully-inclusive learning environment.

UKVI - Visa Process

Slindon College is a Tier 4 Sponsor, licensed by UK Visas & Immigration (UKVI) to issue Tier 4 (Child) visas.

Applicants who want to study at the College can apply for a Tier 4 (Child) student visa if they are aged between 8 and 18 years. They must also:

  • Have an unconditional offer of a place at Slindon College;
  • Have the consent of their parent or guardian;
  • Have enough money to cover fees;
  • Be from a country that is not in the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland.

If your pupil requires a visa to study at the College, please contact our Admissions Officer.

Parents Living or Working Outside the UK

The College requires parents living or working abroad to appoint a guardian, resident in the UK who we can contact in an emergency, who will act on behalf of the parent, and who will look after the pupil during half-terms and other times when the College is closed. This must be arranged prior to arrival and contact details of the guardian must be given to the College.

All boys resident outside the UK must be in possession of a valid passport and, where applicable an entry/student visa. Passports and any other important documentation must be handed in to the Boarding Team on arrival for safe keeping.

Finding a Guardian for your Son

We can provide a list of guardianship agencies for overseas pupils, with 'bright world' as our preferred choice.                                          


More information for Parents Living or Working outside the UK.

More information about The Admissions Process.

More information about Boarding.

Attend an Open Morning.

Register a General Enquiry.