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School Calendar

Full CalendarSchool Calendar

This event will take place on 25/11/2024 until 29/11/2024

Each term the Mental Fitness Lead has a particular focus and this term it is memories.

Everything that happens to us, the people we meet and the things that we do make us who we are. Our memories of these events, people and things we do make us who we are.  So, memories are precious; they make us who we are.

Each Autumn Term we celebrate the importance of memories through the Slindon Memory Tree (the tree to the left of the driveway as you enter the College grounds – just before the gate to the Prep School).

We decorate the tree with fairy lights to brighten the dark mornings and afternoons! We also invite pupils and staff to think of a memory or memories that are important to them and we go, in House groups, to the tree and hang up ribbons which represent those memories. The ribbons are in House colours and are biodegradable so stay on the tree after the event.