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School Calendar

Full CalendarSchool Calendar

This event will take place between 2:40am and 4:30pm on 19/03/2024

An annual whole school event involving pupils taking part in interhouse football tournament between lessons 6-8 (enrichment time) 2:40pm-4:30pm.

This is a pupils and staff ONLY event which will run weather permitting.

6th form pupils will support the running of the event as part of their sports leadership learning and will not be competing.

Please ensure your child attends the college in their P.E. kit with their studded boots, gum shield, waterproof jacket and warm extra clothing available for the journey home. If you do not have these items you child may not be able to participate for H&S reasons.

The focus of a Slindon College Interhouse Sports event is not the competitive element; it is all about participation and enjoyment.