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Pupil profile - Léon

Immersion Experience at Slindon College - Léon

Léon is a 13-year-old Spanish boy, the 4th of a family of 5 children. Since he was little he’s shown impulsivity and at the age of 8 he was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

He’s a very sporty boy, he loves soccer and music. To date, he has not had any problems keeping up with classes and subjects at school, but he has always needed support at home to do his homework and has always needed to study with someone's help.

Observing this difference in behaviour at school and at home, the doctor recommended that he be sent to an English school, where the educational system is more interdisciplinary and suitable for children with this disorder.

"We were lucky to discover Slindon College, where they welcomed us from the first moment wonderfully. At Slindon classes have fewer students so Léon got more individual attention. From the beginning, they helped us to find the extracurricular activities that our son likes. They looked for a nearby football team, they made it easy for him to attend Catholic Mass on weekends and they always keep us very well informed about everything.

We believe that Léon has improved a lot. He’s developed many abilities such as drawing, cooking, theatre, music, sports... These are activities that are not implemented as much in the Spanish educational system that have greatly benefited him in terms of his self-esteem and personal development. Meeting children very different to him, with other difficulties, customs and cultures has really helped him to respect differences and to love people as they are. Communication with us has improved a lot as well. He now tells us, especially in writing, things that he’d never told us before. He’s verbalising his feelings and showing much more appreciation for his family. His behaviour at home has improved a lot too. It’s been a fantastic experience for our son. Thank you very much Slindon!!"

What Léon thinks:

In Spain I don't have “DT”. Here I've learned many things, like making a mobile phone holder, I've also made a lamp out of a basketball. I have also learned to act very well in Drama, and now I am very organized. One thing I've learned is that it's important to listen to your friends. I've also seen a lot of "never giving up." I don't think I'll forget anything about Slindon.

I like the people very much. I really like the boarding activities on Saturdays like "air arena" which is my favourite.

Best thing I'll remember:

Pupils respect everyone at the school. Once, for example, a boy in my class shared something that was difficult for him and the whole class showed respect him and even encouraged him.